French Bulldogs kennel French Bulldogs kennel French Bulldogs kennel French Bulldogs kennel French Bulldogs kennel French Bulldogs kennel French Bulldogs kennel French Bulldogs kennel

Welcome & About Us

My first frenchie came to me in the early 1980’s. Since then I have been totally hooked! Previously I’ve bred and shown several different dog breeds such as Schnauzers, Miniature Poodles and Brussels Griffons. I have, at times, had two different breeds that I’ve promoted, and have loved all of the breeds I’ve worked with. My decision to concentrate on the French Bulldog was decided and from that point forward is the sole breed that I raise and show. My love of all dogs allows me to own others but I breed only the frenchies.

I do not have an outside kennel facility as my dogs are raised in-home. Their main room is a glassed in porch, fully heated and air conditioned. From there, they go outside to a large chain linked area for exercise, elimination and etc. With our warm Florida climate they prefer to remain indoors much of the time. All adults and puppies are crate trained for their safety (especially when travelling).

My membership with The French Bulldog Club Of America and registrations through the American Kennel Club are valid and current. My breeding program is designed to breed to the standard of the parent organization and my aim is for quality in the offspring.

I am also a member in good standing of The French Bulldog Club of England.

Thank you for viewing my web site and if I can help you with obtaining the right puppy for you, I will be most happy to do so.

French Bulldogs kennel

What's New?

New Champion: Ch. Sunrise Halston's Miracle

Now Showing: Winaty's Virtual Reality

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